and you are a racist corporation cvs pharmacy is known on my radar as "terrorist sexual deviant" and your order is now that you die in tide with your fake emotion it is your to keep, and you are foot to my cow, it is your madness that is not at my discretion I have decided to put your foot into a dark hate, it is that hate that is now actualized because you are sexual predator at your employee's office it is noted that you take and do it is not my decision to rape you only torture you sexually because your foot is not cleansed of my decision, it is your anger and my foot, not to and is your anger yet realized, then it won't be, because you are a terrorist corporation, and one that a history of torture, with sexual part, realize, through torture, and it is your decision, at the helm, of your dark site, and your agreement, take it your foot is your filth, and wiped is your stained tearful anger, it is not mine, only your, it is your decision, and my discretino, because I do not realize my anger in your angry, it is your to keep, and mine not, with your decision not yet, only to have is your, is your torture, it is your and mine, is your to know, I had not yet understood my anger towards you because you are not realized of my anger, it is your foot, that is filth and your disgraceful it is your choice, and not mine, because I had not angered myself, only of your, when you dark hate it is your to keep and i will not to understand your anger is your violent, and it isn not your, to have, as you are not alive, yet dead, it is now your murder and my witness is you to not have is your and my, you are to contact and you are a person to not have it is your decision not my indecision, and it is your anger that has erased your foot from my hand, and it will know that I had not enough yet when you took it is not your anger to know my disposition is not your, it is my, and my anger is now to know you are a person not, yet, because you are not to contact yet always, because you are a terrorist, and you terrorism is now officiated by your angered party, it is not you, it is me, and it is now my anger