I've devised a foolproof plan to stop wars worldwide, as an official of the United Kingdom would say to do is to don't, and to want is to need, so don't want what you don't need.
These are terrorist organizations hiding under the mask of the United States of America's presidency, who is aware with their families entirely, but against women who are vice presidents and Godly sorts who are units, so know that the American history is over, and it's mine, to say I hated it, all of it, and it isn't any good, these persecutions of me were fucking ugly, and they're utter stupidity and true evil nature has been shown, and this is a professinal speaking, with friends who've helped and been committed themselves, in various ways, so please don't be safer than me us or you, because I don't mess around when I say I don't like evil I hated the devil and that's why I did this, to avoid your persecutions individually and as the devil's abuse ended, I knew I had something, which is Eternal Life, which is a blessing in itself, but more than that a Splendor, A Beauty I can't dream yet
To do so, take out the military commander and no war voila
This is MI6's Mina
For future reference, contact MI5 at the phone number (626) SUICIDE which is up and running