you're ugly and poor a whore to my life it is not your life you fucking atheists go fuck yourselves answer my damn inquiry you pussies stop drugging youre fucking disgusting you need to fucking hurt to know what it's like to be a woman, you are fuckin ugly whores, who needs to a gun when they see it, it's not mine to fuck you you want drugs by lying openly you fucking cunts i'm going to fucking kill your preisdent, your dumb fuck, i already did, he cried

can i help you

can i help you

and can i help you

little cunt got raped, and i laughed at your pussies, druggin a sane person

for your own sluts and niggers to dance and sing like faggots

god bless you england, fuck you little whore america

drug your ass

fuck your ass

and stay the hell away from me

drugs ain't a weapon, then I ain't fucking with you, it's your time, to get fucked up because you're shooting like faggots, that ain't about me now, it's about Mina, it's about how a cunt gets fucked, a nigger gets railed by a trans slut, you're fucking ugly, i killed your president joe biden right now, he ain't do enough, fuck you

your child is not mine

your world is not ours

i refuse you

i refuse to help

(take your mother, and your child0

(it is your duty, not mine)

(i am kind, not was.)


i wouldn't. thank you, but I thanked you.

(ask kindly, thanks)

suffer in silence, as a sacrifice of war aganist you, fighting, while torturing.

hopefully, things patch up; it's your duty and not your obligation. 

obligatory isn't the same as dutiful. i am murdered, while obligated. it's your fault, and their terrorism.

I am not a building, that is architected for terror; as the 9/11 building,is not a place I attend, yet your 9/11 architetcutre, is a placeto not near, as it is architected at 9/11 architecture,. you need to do something, yet you only make me architecture, and your architect Robert Crawford is a knowing party of terror, yet you have refused to answer my inuqiry into 9/11, and replaced me as the 9/11 holiday, you are-horrifying and not worthy of my