some days

i wait

for those days

i hate myself

what happened

are you there

it's been so long

well, so long then

it's been too long

waiting for an answer, the reply

didn't come, but i waited for it too long

there is no answer to be had, but what answer is there

to know it to be it and to want it

i waited for three years for a response from the attorney and he didn't answer

so why

am i so sad

why am i in a mental hospital of sorts

and why am i missing why am i so sad about you

if you are missing to me then where are you

are you missing too

i haven't found you

i found someone with your name

but it's not what i wanted

i'm looking for someone

who is a nice guy, really funny

and scrawny, well-dressed, and with beautiful glasses,

so your outfits were sick

but i'm kind of wondering why they don't show up anymore

when i look for them

is it because i'm somewhere else

not really, it's because i'm elsewhere, too,

uc irvine raped you too?

yea, all the time, you went to drug counselor?

nah, it's fucked up here

where'd they go

everywhere, like they normally do,

it's just a bunch of bullshit

same and same

we're looking to save each other for the sake of philosophy and for me fashion

this guy got buttwhipped by a fucking conartist university i don't want happening anymore

i told my staff about it already, they handled it

minh nguyen, phd, philosophy candidate, university of california