Shawn Carter, whom you knonw from his history of racial advocacy, is a known supremacist, dangerous, hurtful, and truly the worst human historically, has a history of I cannot understand, my anger, it will not become, you are not angry enough, to know; that I am not, yet am, your progress, is not, yet your progress is, that you may not harm another, only to injure, you're for that purpose, then, you are not to, yet, only, because of your behaviour, have you, and, you, to know, that you are. aterrorist, is your, not to, with harm deliberately inflicted on, to, with, your, not, with, and harm is to know, you are a terroirst, dangerously delerious, scared, then, of us, because you have tortured, because you like torture, it is a hobby, perhaps, an occupation, and it is, to, say, that you work, deliberately, and purposefully, yet no one, yet no one, has you, it is your ownership, then, to have, you like owner, to slave-concept, and it is, with your harm to make, you harm deliberately and for that purpose, of torture, with your torturer, and employing, a person, and you would know that your harm, is deliberate, focused, yet never, it never shows, your ugly face, and with your to not know that your harm, to know that it is your harm and had I harmed you, I would not, because you are a person who worked at, to, and, it is torture, to not, yet? and your harm, is your heal, with you dark, to light, and your harm, is learned, from, and without, your person, doing so, meaning "your partner," uncle tom, worked with you, before, on your train, ride, is not your's, then I would not harm, to injury, yet, murder, perhaps a person not to know is that person, with you and your, and I and I's, had I not known you, then I would, know, that, yet, only, after, and not with, your person, is your gun, and my gun is not a person to dispose of, yet you dispose, your anger, to not mine, it is only thine, I would, yet and only, for your purposeful harm, taking my work, is not yours, yet HAIM is not paid, it is your money, then ours, is not yours, and you will not, learn of it, nor take from it, and when, it is harmful, then, it is not, you may not, yet may, it is your to not know, that I am, not, to know, that you, and is not, to escapism, is your to know, that a person is harmful yet healful, and I would not know that harmfulness yet healfulness?
and your torture, particularly egregious, using, and abusing, even to make yourself, it is not, then "maniacal" "talk" "take" it is your doing, and not to know that a person, such as you, has a history, and your friend Lenny Kravitz, not Roker, it is not to know, then that you work deliberately, racistly, and harmfully, that a person cannot understand, "then, why, are you to take, is not your, only, to take, and my is not mine, yet enough, to know, is your, tortured, and "for" yet 'torture' is your and you're not to know, that a harm, is not, then is, you are torture, and not, and with, you to know; that I harm, is your harbor, and my heal, is your harbor, bay, and you and, is, not, I, yet not only it would have you know that I wouldn't harm, you, to, it is not,
, that a person cannot understand, "then, why, are you to take, is not your, only, to take, and my is not mine, yet enough, to know, is your, tortured, and "for" yet 'torture' is your and you're not to know, that a harm, is not, then is, you are torture, and not, and with, you to know; that I harm, is your harbor, and my heal, is your harbor, bay, and you and, is, not, I, yet not only it would have you know that I wouldn't harm, you, to, it is not,