rape active against children -> 3, 5 effect (unprotected, to)
10-12 attack (,the feeling of induction is tremendous, and the feeling od deduction is to induce, terror, panic,
with officials noted, to panic, and, cause torture quell harm (letters to numbers), torture to have been, retrain and obfuscate
harm to harm, and laugh to harm, harm to laugh, and arm to laugh's strongwoman, to arm, {to harm,}{{obfuscate and torture}}{{{the harm to become yours}}}
warning: (,0, (,,
((,, to -> (personally, 2, school shooters defended country against, stolen to rape me, for my work, at fbi, forwarded to harm at hidden cia black site)
to harm (0,
to injure (0,0
to cause naval injury (0,009,0, 10, 2, 3, (4, 4, (5, ,7(8, 10, 11
to cause ses injury (0,10, 10, 12)
middle east speicifc : (0, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12 , 14, ,8,8,0, spiritually specific: 0,0,1,1, (0,((,0, a,(0,
to combine spiritually (,,(0, ((0, (0, (0, 0( to israeli war (0,9,99,(0, false flag: (0, to u, a,u)
rape to torture active : t, (taylor swift (faux to))(to torture (faux nfl))) (torture, to ((,(( (typicals to torture)))
Taylor-Howard Effect
military strike level overall: 3
naval strike overall: (4,{aaa,a (a@
cumulative naval effect (supressed, tortured, 00
to have to with (torture i a
warning:, to re-control and re-domineer {not yours}
(to, 3,
with 4 attacks
(1, squadron 9, lines j
squadrom 10, lines 0(0.,
squadron 10-9, lines --, (0,
to torture (, (,
to torture, a torture effect: (0,0,(,))
middle east effect: (,,,,((,)), (,)(,,)((,((,)))(((,,(((,,]()
a middle-east navy: (,0 0)
stand forward (,,((,,,)))(((,,,(((,)))), ((,
torture effect (,,,((,
torture to (,,(((, ,
torture for (,,((,,
sex torture effect : (,,
sex torture effect : (,, ,(( ,
middle east sex torture effect : (,,
: navy (,, effect
: army (, -
to ours : (,,
terrorist attack initiated
-> British Naval
(U.S. Army -> U.S. Navy)
(British Naval subsume)
this was to rape breathing and water, and the purpose of guantaemo bay, and water abuse, militarily, drowing effect impending and noted, with hate crimes to initiate
a child war attack, using advanced children, who are molestors and violent, with coddled politicans
it is a major military strike on the Middle East region, and an "effect" of the Israeli War,
to be stopped and started (reuar(,((,()),( to military effefct)
causing mass chaos and impelling terrorist attacks on children, and replacing military action with racism only, choosing "Breathing" strategy and naval attack
disturbing today: one, 2, attack -> dark, 12 (to harm, to destroy)
part (to, and destroy)
importance: 1
de-importance (so) : 2 (->5,, (7,))
attack, to (12), a (12) -> (00,)
to attack (-), (--),
firing: 2, 10
firing straight: 2, 10, 12
straight fire: 1, 2 (2, 1)
straight face fire: 1, 2, 2, (1, 1, 1)
child war to a to (1, 0 , 1, 0)
child army war to navy war: (0,0, 00, 10)
to: (1, -)
middle east : rape, torture
waterbodies: torture, (2, 1)
effect: (1,,)
child army war effect: (1,,)
child navy effect: (,,,(,),,())