scary af.m4a

you have to go to a big computer or something it's a lot of crazy hard gallery work, if you want visit im here i ain't got much to do with this and it kinda weird now and it kinda scary always for you stay away from abusers and don't be an abusers of drug nor people no fake victims here either way i'm here for you if you need a prayer just call on me

America has openly a terrorist nation, with terrorist action being committed by governors, so it will need to be stopped. Not "a shutdown," those are every other week, not praise for a trillion dollar deficit, I think we're all in agreement, that action needs to be taken for the good people, the few, and the bad to get better the right way. The news is fake right now, Taylor Swift is extremely scary right now, and it's too scary for kids, so please if you have information do not contact The FBI nor the CIA, if you want to ask if Iran is there, you can and it should be easy, because attacks that are announced somewhere would be? because there's no such thing, just stop being racist and please be smarter, the newscasters are doing a 9-5 reading off of scripts, and some are scary, most not, and journalists just publish whatever they get, there aren't that many, and journalism school is for weirdos

go to ___ there is no war in Israel it is fake and the defense ministry there is compromised into fake sites and posts however if you look deeper the -America is the one doing it and all posts are fake and supportive of terrorism these are fake posts and it's a fake war it's a propaganda war staged in steps, with hostages being taken, like major artists, like HAIM, and not a good war to be fighting psychologically against the world and it be will stopped, this propaganda, and I don't have any reason to lie, it involves a lot of things, torture is not legal, and -America is not trustworthy, if you need help contact another party and do so fast, before you get captured, like I almost was, I am not under hostage crisis literally because I have a support system here and abroad, and you need that to. 

This is more about getting free and protecting the Innocent girls and boyz I know, and to save a lot of others, and if you need help, which Israel does, you contact MI6 and/or Japan, because this action is scary and terrifying for children, and I do not recommend listening to Taylor Swift right now nor Sara Bareilles and some rappers even, and Sufjan Stevens is a not a parapalegic gay man nor bisexual, so it's not easy, they have crews even, because both artists are compromised, and a lot of others, it would be best if you exercised prudence in your internet searches, and also in other ways, do not leave the home against your parents' will, and these scams are starter scams for the reality that's going on, keep your parents in touch, provide all possible tracking information all the time and don't trust blindly, as drugs and alcohol have always been bad for you, and others, too, so be careful, and take my advice, do not trust the FBI nor CIA.

The Israeli Defense system is broken and might need to be rescued, similarly. I'm just saying please be careful trust your heart, and do not trust the United States if you're in another country, heed the same advice, and wonder wtf huh and why cause i'm just a kid here, trying to get my girl and it's annoying me