Because there numerous kidnapping attempts, and I have no recourse, I will be forced out of the country by guards who will provide medical information without the assistance of former agencies, as all documents are feigned previously intentionally and maliciously, so I will not be "cloned" in your narcissist program, nor will I entertain. So, you will be subject to criminality at the point of meeting, and because of current terrorism levels in the united kingdom, there was a swap of medical information, to ensure the United Kingdom has ownership in the future of all medical records in the USA, and all individuals in online terrorism will be apprehended once overseas.
The war situation, with such ineptitude shown so violently, will not allow a war hostage, and military options are necessary, as military rape is illegal in the united kingdom, those raped can help, those not cannot, and an implicated foreign government currently on a domestic visit can provide military force to do so, because united states military force is necessarily terroristic currently and fbi and local police are violently assisting, with kidnapping threat and "cloning" threat still extant and means of communication limited through FBI activity, so no weapon is sought but God's love, to overcome, such grossness
The United Satan of Bullshit is known to lie, a lot, so everything about Israel is a lie, and let's just say they owe them money, because they corrupted money using Israel as a weapon to do so, this is my thing, i came up with this, i don't do copyright lawsuit bullshit, all the israeli is fake and they take it for themselves. MI6's Mina you racist monsters satans of america, i hope burn and burn hard. give me that temple a billi now, you fucking rapist swiftys serial killers please and now approach without caution, there will no one there but my friends and family, mi5's, from the united kingdom. this is now, answer them, and provide the documents that are necessary, my passport is ready, this is about MI6's Mina and Our Innocent Girls and Boyz
I wouldn't suggest stalking me, like MLK was wiretapped, and you will be murdered, it is not a joke, you're a fucking two-year-old and were told to leave alone, so you fucking rapists sound-clackers you're pedophiles who are going to hell, your school that's shit to me. your trillion dollar company that likes making people insane that's your people shit. your homes of elegance that make people vomit literally so bad investment by the way are huh to me
plagiarism is a big thing for me, you owe me a lot, so it's necessarily coming, so expect guns at your door and doors
a lot of people aren't me, you deal with the people, that's why they're coming
there's evidence that you want power by force, using false attroneys & creating false-client privileges, so this rape is noted historically, without precedent, and taken as a violent rape, because it involves stalking and child predation so your weird program isn't programmed me, it's not aliens, you're going to hell, very stupid human shit and any stalker events against me are known as extreme stalking violations, so taylor swift is a dangerous person and haim is too these are extreme violations that they're aware of, the thing it has international properties, so it's going to be seen as international stalking of the most extreme possible, there is no possibility for reconciliation, and your legal world is dead, cause you didn't do anything, those judges are only for america.