Day 1: No Response (Hostage Crisis Day #1, painful theoretically day)
UK Information is from US information, too, so that can help
If CVS Pharmacy and UPS and Capital One and Starbucks disrespect me, if disrespect similars, if disrespect Innocent
you disrespectful bitches stop raping me stop raping me stop raping me you have no taste are ugly scary and i can't even speak now because all you care about is subjugating others tying scaring don't do that you'll go to jail it's not about us, it's about you right write about it victim
if you have a victim, that victim is hostage + moneysleaze like hostage-takers literally, it's noon Us, it is not On Us, you scary companies (CVS, UPS, Capital One, Starbucks - demand 1 not met - respect Innocent Victim(s)s, of which I am not?)
right to take? is it right to take, the homeless, the Innocent soul
These 4 Companies (CVS, UPS, Capital One, Starbucks) have decided me to allow sex trafficking as this takes money but that's paradoxical, as I don't but it takes money
hi b
not everyone hates mena :)
a lot of us are victims too not everyone too but it's like some only are parts of a whole, like the sun shining where it can only be seen be some of you i sent signs i did too try so hard to have her arrested everyday with no help really but farmers' prayers so lights guided you home hopefully
Everyone should be familiar with the prison system, how booking procedures work, where inmates take their mugshots, what prison cells look like, and that to go to prison you have to go to trial (there's some murmurings about instant jail, but that's not always right)
Sam Hunt, the best country singer, is probably in Thai sex trade, disguised as a woman. This is terrifying, just if even hypothetical, it's worth immediate action.
this is a theoretical discovery, not actualized, meaning iti s lacking in theoretical application
as such, do not apply it
that would be just morally aberrant
i have several people who I have helped achieve freedom from sex trafficking and you put them in harms way intentionally, as i am a victim of sex trafficking
hi detective daisy you're doing well say hi to agent kathy to agent mina too
this is mi6 work and mi5
contact with any information, leading to the blah blah blah
fox news is good people just victims slavery
finding victims elsewhere
media is encouraged to contact for any information and collaboration is new and
this is private and new, only shared by neceessity, and Ronan, hello, talk soon friend
there are people who hate everything and some nothing, those who hate some of everything and most of nothing are the worst humans alive, the subtly loud real victim who has a fake victim that is real, but is considered israel, such a scare, a threat
and please don't hate anyone, as hatred kills, so love to kill, I'd love to
Everyone should be familiar with the prison system, how booking procedures work, where inmates take their mugshots, what prison cells look like, and that to go to prison you have to go to trial (there's some murmurings about instant jail, but that's not always right)
don't turn on bidens staying strong entails stalking satanists staying away from abusers staying away from evils Strongly
there are people who never get thanked do you know their names spell that out for me "spell" is Taylor's thing
Sam Hunt, the best country singer, is probably in Thai sex trade, disguised as a woman. This is terrifying, just if even hypothetical, it's worth immediate action.
this is a theoretical discovery, not actualized, meaning iti s lacking in theoretical application
as such, do not apply it
that would be just morally aberrant
i have several people who I have helped achieve freedom from sex trafficking and you put them in harms way intentionally, as i am a victim of sex trafficking
hi detective daisy you're doing well say hi to agent kathy to agent mina too
this is mi6 work and mi5
contact with any information, leading to the blah blah blah
fox news is good people just victims slavery
finding victims elsewhere
media is encouraged to contact for any information and collaboration is new and different
and no tricks are to be reported immediately to be stopped
taylor wasn't i
there are people who hate evn japan it's a hoax ai is gross be careful which songs you sing and marilyn manson taylor swifts, are to be forbidden and blocked these are terrorists
this is private and new, only shared by necessity, and Ronan, hello, talk soon friend